dunno why...i can be sooo close with this guy...ahaha...
i've known him since the first week of my 1st semester in KLMU..i was standing in front of Understanding Economic class (0301 if im not mistaken..)..i was all alone...in my own world...as im really new to KLMU at that moment...
then i felt like someone's wacthin me...i looked around and there he was..standing with the rest of the group..Liza,Suriah,Vicky and Philip..he looked at me like im some kind of aliens etc...(gosh!! i still can remember it... soooo clear ..huhu..) he kept on smiling like a kerang busooook....(yup..u r dear..no joke...ahahah..) but he never come up to me or say hi etc...and what happen next is...WE'RE IN DA SAME CLASS!!!
he u sed to sit in front, at the first table next to the door...and i will be sittin awayyyyyyyyyyyy from him that is a few tables away..
then afta i got my LabCard, i went to the library..to use the computer..next to me was liza/suriah...and he was standing behind me...but we didnt talk even a word...even hi...
then...on 26th of september 2007 (if im not mistaken..hihi..) he sent me a message through Friendster..and what happen next is..well, u guys can guess it rite..huhuuhu...at first, we was juz messaging by friendster..afta a few days, he gave me his number and he asked for mine..i dunno what has got in to me..i called him right away...huhuhu...sgt gelojoh je...malu siot!!! i was in the library..infront of the PC and he was lepaking with his group..then i called him and we went outside..chit chat like we have known each other for EVER!!!...seems like we have the chemistry...and the conversation ended with a great feelin..
now..its been nearly 2 years of our so-called-friendship..i love him...i like him...and HE HAS A GF ok...and his GF is NOT ME..... so dun put any hopes on seeing us together as more than friends...it wont happen babeh!!!huhuhu..i think we're better off as friend...he's a great guy..and thanked god i've got him as my best buddy...love u dear monkeyh!!!!
korang nie kan.. macam pinang digelek steamroll.. memang serasi.. lawa.. hensem.. pandai.. hish... mengharap sesuatu la terjadi antara korang.. mesti setuju kan kan kan? bis tu takkan ngan phillip lak? tak seswai noks!!
awww... so sweet.. kalau korang kawen.. aku datang.. sbb nk tgk la cmane cross cultural marriagge.. ko jawa.. khaliq nepal... mesti comel anak korang nanti.. tp seyes dowh.. korang mcm ada chemistry.. sama padan, sama lawa.. mcm orang2 tua cakap gitu noks!!
wahh~~~~statement xhengat laaa...adess...kang ade yg ngamuk kt kolej tu..terutama dak2 secretary...oppzz...terlebih suda..
we all best friend je la..die dh ade gupwen taw...
i pon bugis campor banjar.. padan la kite ni ada persamaan kn3... wakakakaka i setuju sgt ape yg u tulis babe!!! its wold me much2 better u just kwn dgn dier.. BFF !!!!
yup3...btol tuh noxs..mak suke idea BFF u tuh...
its not u'all to judge...
There's nothin like wen u love some1 u like. ur feelings has corrupted ur mind wit his name. he's greatest thing ever n u 1 2 b wif him all the time.
ur senses bcome alive as u fall in love n u r not even thinking of the possibility dat u may break up. when it come 2 marriage its complete internal binding together with 2 human being. does the consideration take part while u say "i like u"?
mayB it easy to say ur feelin but then sumhow, ur ship seems change its direction by da unkown wind(maybe u know it) or da unpredictable obstacle....ur heart keep questioning u n ur mind haunting pride..
P/s: if u still love him...go n get him.. turn around n touch his heart once again...its just like wen u saw shadow in da fog..get closer n u'll c his smiley face patch in his heart "i still need u"........
go!take da chance n make sum1 proud
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